One of the key aims of the Melton Constable Trust is to acquire former railway track bed and where necessary alternative sections of land that will form the Orbital route between the Mid Norfolk Railway and the North Norfolk Railway. Thanks to the generous donations already made by our supporters and members of the local community, we have been able to purchase two key sections of land at Holt and Fakenham.
Some time ago the Trust negotiated an agreement to buy a further section of the original rail route, extending onwards from our existing High Kelling land towards Holt town. We have been making stage payments towards this acquisition.
As of the 7th February 2021, substantial ongoing fundraising has brought us very close to being able to complete the purchase of this land at High Kelling and only a further £5,000 is needed. That will include legal costs, fencing and other requirements.
Can you help us to raise this last £5000? If you can then please see below on how you can help. Thank you.

You can make a donation by bank transfer to The Melton Constable Trust at TSB Bank PLC: Sort Code: 30 94 34, Account number: 00493540 using the reference “High Kelling”
If you would prefer to pay by cheque, then please make them payable to The Melton Constable Trust. If you would like this donation to be treated as Gift Aid then please download this form:
Gift Aid is a form of tax relief that allows charities to receive up to 25% more income from a donation made by a UK taxpayer. Once a donation has been made, a charity can then claim back the basic rate of tax from it from the government. Donors must be a UK taxpayer for your donation to qualify for Gift Aid.
Please send the above to: The Melton Constable Trust, c/o Mr David Bill MBE, 8a, Thornfield Way, Hinckley Way, Leicestershire. LE10 1BE
You can also email Mr David Bill MBE who is a trustee of the Melton Constable Trust:
The Melton Constable Trust is a Registered Charity no: 1090847