Norfolk councils are asking residents for their views on a joint vision for the county’s future to 2036 and beyond.
A public consultation began in the first week of August on the Norfolk Strategic Framework, a document which sets out plans for the county’s nine local authorities to co-operate across the whole of Norfolk on key planning matters, running across administrative boundaries and benefiting every resident of the county.
The framework is a document prepared jointly by Breckland Council, Broadland District Council, Broads Authority, Great Yarmouth Borough Council, Borough Council of King’s Lynn & West Norfolk, North Norfolk District Council, Norwich City Council, Norfolk County Council and South Norfolk Council, and sets out their shared objectives on housing, employment, and infrastructure.
The document outlines 20 agreements planned to be made between the authorities, including:
- Working together towards a single shared vision and objectives for future development in the county.
- Working collaboratively to address the needs for the many thousands of new homes and accompanying other development needs (such as employment land) required in Norfolk to 2036.
- Ensuring that new developments are served by appropriate infrastructure such as roads, green spaces and utilities.
The document also outlines a number of new and existing schemes:
- Shared schemes for transportation improvement.
- Improvements to utilities infrastructure.
- 14 employment sites that will be the focus of investment to help drive increasing economic development.
Cllr John Fuller, Chair of the Norfolk Strategic Planning Member Forum, said: “This is the first time that the nine partners have come together to develop agreements like this. By working together we can benefit our residents by cutting costs and reducing duplication. It’s only through collaborative working that we can ensure we are all working towards the same shared goals for meeting housing, employment, and infrastructure needs right across Norfolk.
“We really want everyone to get involved and help us shape a vision that will make Norfolk an even better place to live and work, both now and long into the future.”
To view the whole document you can visit this link: For the part covering transport, once you have opened the link just scroll down the page and click on the ‘Norfolk Strategic Framework: Transport Constraints’ word document.
This is a very interesting read covering road and rail, please see the gallery below covering just the rail Overview and Summary. Click on an image to see a full size version:
Responses can be made via the website or emailed to
All comments must be received by 4pm on 22 September 2017. It cannot be stressed enough how important your responses are, so please if you want to see infrastructure put in place for the future have your say now. Thank you.